XXIII Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2024, Paris (France). 04-07 June 2024
This paper presents a model for optimizing the management of a Li-Ion battery in a microgrid, considering the presence of nonlinear losses during the charging and discharging processes. The paper examines the nature of these losses and proposes updated nonlinear expressions that depend on the state of charge and on the charging or discharging power. The piecewise linear approximations of the losses bivariate functions are implemented using the novel integer zig-zag (ZZI) formulation. The corresponding ZZI constraints are integrated into an optimization model to determine the optimal schedule for a residential isolated microgrid comprising a solar panel, a diesel generator, and a Li-Ion battery. The case study compares different triangulation strategies regarding their impact on the quality of the obtained solution and the computational burden.
Spanish layman's summary:
Este artículo propone un modelo para optimizar la gestión de baterías de Li-Ion en una microred formada por un panel solar, una batería y un generador diesel, considerando pérdidas no lineales en los procesos carga y descarga. Se utiliza la novedosa formulación zig-zag con variables enteras (ZZI).
English layman's summary:
This paper presents a model to optimize the management of Li-Ion batteries in a microgrid composed of a solar panel, a battery, and a diesel generator, considering nonlinear losses in the charging and discharging processes. It employs the novel integer zig-zag (ZZI) formulation.
Keywords: Energy management system, microgrid, nonlinear losses, steady-state, zig-zag.
Published in Electric Power Systems Research, vol: 235, pp: 1-8, ISSN: 0378-7796
Publication date: 2024-10-01.
J. García-González, S. Guerrero, Optimal management of a microgrid Li-Ion battery considering non-linear losses using the Integer Zig-Zag formulation, XXIII Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2024, Paris (France). 04-07 June 2024. In: Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 235, ISSN: 0378-7796